Dua For Protection From Evil Eye

Dua For Protection From Evil

How To Protect From Evil Eye

A large number of people in this world get affected by the evil eye. The evil eye is a satanic act that can only be controlled by reciting verses of the Holy Quran. There are several duas and verses in the Holy Quran which can prevent the evil eye. All you need to do is practice dua for protection from evil eye and jealousy to get rid of its effect. When you practice evil eye, it wipes out the bad impact of it and helps you heal from its negativity. The evil eye can cause many issues.

It could be work-related problems, health-related issues, marital conflicts or problems in your kids. Yes, an evil eye can affect everything and anything. This is why you should always pray in the name of Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala. When you recite dua for evil eye, it helps you in alleviating its effect and makes you free from it. The evil eye protection dua is a great boon for all those who are a victim of an evil eye. If you know someone who is sick, you can help them by reciting this.

Dua For Evil Eye

Evil Eye Protection Dua

Evil Eye Protection Dua

Dua for the evil eye is a prestigious dua from the holy Quran to mend your losses that have taken place because of the evil eye. Sometimes people cast evil eyes unknowingly. Even when they positively say things in your favor without including the name of Allah, satan takes over and leads to the evil eye.

Hence, you should make evil eye protection dua to secure yourself and your loved ones from its impact. Recite dua for the evil eye every time you get a hint of it. You can get the procedure of how to protect from evil from our Molvi sahab. Explain the kind of problem you are facing and he will guide you with the right dua. Don’t worry. The evil eye is not permanent and it will go away if you practice the dua for the evil eye in the right manner. So, just recite it with firm belief and it will work.

Dua For Evil Eye

Here is a dua for the evil eye for your reference.


  • Recite this dua 11 times and blow it on a glass of water.
  • Give it to the evil eye victim or sprinkle it on the affected area.
  • Do this for 7 days continuously day and night. Insha Allah, you will see changes.
  • In case you don’t see any changes, then it may be a severe one. Contact our Molvi sahab for it and he will definitely help you out.

Dua For Protection Against Black Magic

Black magic is real and is one of the world’s oldest and most ancient rituals. Islam forbids it. Anyone who intentionally associates himself with black magic, or any type of mysticism, has no place in Islam.If you think that your work has suddenly witnessed a loss or you may not be able to gain so much profit without any obvious reasons, then recite dua from protection against black magic will help you out.

The evil eye dua will help you restore your losses. There are many types of dua for protection against black magic. One of the most popular dua for protection against black magic is the “Dua of Refuge”, which is a prayer that seeks protection from Allah from any harm or misfortune.

How to perform dua for protection against black magic:

  • Perform Tayammum( dry ablution).
  • Seek Protection from Allah by reciting the following ‘Dua Of Refuge’ – “O Allah, I seek shelter in You against all wicked and evil things, both male and female.”
  • After that, perform Surah Baqarah with all your heart.
  • Finally, Recite the 3 Quls – Surah An-Nas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah Ikhlaas. (These three Quls in Islam also serve to protect against the negative consequences of black magic.)

If you need further assistance you can contact our Islamic Scholar get the customised solution of your problems from our Molvi Ji.

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